- Make a wish.
- Determine what you need to do to make that wish come true.
I’ve been fortunate enough to build up some savings, which my parents encouraged me to invest in a mutual fund. Trying to pick funds is confusing, but the worst part is that if you ask anybody for advice, they start with the same question: What are your goals?
A week or so ago my friend Bridget asked me what I would do if I had a million dollars. As you might expect from me, I responded with a brief discussion about how a million dollars really isn’t all that much money (thank you, Andrew Tobias) especially if her real question is supposed to be what I’d do if I didn’t have to worry about money. After all that was cleared up I finally got around to saying I’d buy a nice apartment but otherwise wouldn’t change my life too much. Generally, I’m happy.
Since then it has occurred to me, though, that buying an apartment is something I could plan for. That is something a lot of people plan for. It’s a goal, and in fact, a pretty cliché one. Then I thought of a few other “wouldn’t it be nice if” scenarios. Then I realized that, each time I’ve been asked about my goals, I should have started by making wishes.
Golly, that sounds sappy.